Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter

How to Not Get Overwhelmed with Whats Happening in Your LIfe

March 01, 2022 Todd Perelmuter Season 1 Episode 33
Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter
How to Not Get Overwhelmed with Whats Happening in Your LIfe
Show Notes Transcript

Humanity has been through a lot lately. Pandemic, economic destruction, and war. Just one of those can be too much to bear.  This doesn't even include the stress it puts on our families, friendships and mental health.

Luckily, there are a great many and powerful tools at our disposal to heal from trauma, to reenergize ourselves, and to recenter ourselves.

Today, Todd shares his easy, practical tips for overcoming whatever challenges life throws at us. From mindfulness to meditation, and even some things you might not expect.

In this podcast series, Todd shares meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date.

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Welcome to the Eastwesticism podcast where our host, Todd PErelmuter shares the lessons he's learned spending eight years living with gurus, monks, lamas, and shamans across 35 countries and five continents. Join in the journey as he brings the best scientifically proven methods for living your best life from the east and the west, straight to you. The path to peace, love, health, and happiness starts here. 

Hey, welcome back to path to peace with Todd Perelmuter. I'm your host, Todd Perelmuter, thank you so much for listening. Today, I'm going to talk about how to not get overwhelmed with what's happening in your life. 

This is such a great question, because we all get overwhelmed. And there's times in our lives where it can be so overwhelming, that we lose ourselves, maybe we take our anger out on someone else that had nothing to do with anything. Or we just react unconsciously, in a way we wish we hadn't, you know, we overreact, we may yell. Or other people may react internally, through sadness, depression, tears suffering. 

And so I want to talk about the root cause of this overwhelmed nature. Because before we talk about how to get out of it, we need to understand why we're overwhelmed. And the reason is quite simply, lack of reflection, stillness, and calm. When we get overwhelmed, something gets thrown at us. 

And then another thing, and then another thing, and we feel we just couldn't bear one more bad thing to happen to us. And then it does. And we've feel broken, we feel destroyed. It is a very difficult feeling. And it can even be little things that just eat at you over time and overtime, small little thing. And then after a while, we lose it. And it just it's the last straw and we break. 

It can be anything that overwhelms us it can be work, health, loved ones, typically, isn't it funny that it's the loved ones that we so frequently become overwhelmed, we come home for the holidays, and it triggers all these very heavy emotions. And it can be very overwhelming. 

Maintaining these relationships, dealing with our work stress and financial stress. And I'm not saying Just close your eyes to it and pretend everything's fine and tell yourself Nothing is good or bad. And just ignore it. Because that is the last thing you want to do ignoring is the root of ignorance. 

And what we need to do is give us some space, because we feel like things are coming at us constantly. And this is when it's never more important to meditate every single day, for just 10-20 minutes, whatever your practices. 

But this is the time when everything will stop. There is no more bad news coming at you while you've turned off your phone and you're sitting quietly in peace. There is just the time for you to reflect, to heal, to bring some presence into your life, some stillness and quiet some space. Because that is the way we heal from bombardment of bad news and difficulties and stress. 

It is so important when we're feeling overwhelmed, to really process everything that's happened. And the way we do that is we just sit with our eyes closed, focusing on our breath being present. And when those disturbing thoughts come into our minds, we allow them to be and we reach a place where they no longer carry with it. negativity and stress, the thoughts may still be there. 

But because we've seen them play out in our mind without distraction, and we're just watching our thoughts. Over time, they don't have the same power behind them. They've played themselves out we've allowed that contemplation and reflection to heal us from the negativity of these situations.

And it's so important. It's kind of like training The first time someone yells something really mean at you, it's going to be very hurtful.

But if you actually were to have them do it again, and again and again and again, the 100th time, you wouldn't even mind because you have trained your body to not create a stress response. And it may be uncomfortable at first, but that is how you get to the place where it no longer has power over you. And they're just thoughts. 

They're just words, they're just little worries and fears in the back of your mind. But they don't have any power. You can listen to them, and you're not mad at them. And they don't cause any distress. And it is a meditation that are repetitive mind can play itself over and over again, thinking about all these worries.

And that is what was necessary to reach a place where it has no more emotional weight and baggage. And we can truly be free from all of life's chaos.

So when you're in an overwhelming situation, the best thing to do is if you can get away and just meditate for a couple minutes, just center yourself. Just allow that overwhelming blood boiling sensation, to subside. And to try to bring some understanding and wisdom to why you are being overwhelmed. 

And to remember that they're just words, they're just syllables. They're just fears. And nothing is worth disturbing your emotional peace because you can only control what you can control. And you can only fix what you can fix and what is unfixable. All you can do is bring some peace and calm to that.

And the more we practice being peaceful and calm in these stressful situations, the less we'll feel overwhelmed. And so just try to get away if you can't get away. When you're getting overwhelmed. Count to 10 in your head. Take a few deep breaths. Just remember you don't have to respond. Say anything at all. 

And just center yourself until you feel you can act consciously instead of react unconsciously. And that will bring the peace within your body that will help you bring peace to your words and actions. And that will help create a life that is less overwhelming in general, as you will have nothing to regret, nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. 

I hope that helps. Thank you so much for listening to path to peace with Todd Perelmuter. Until next time, peace and love.

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